Notification System

Andrew Kelly

The Alchemist is a financial well-being platform that focuses on supporting people with ADHD. One thing that is missing is a notification system to pull users in that may have either forgotten, but more likely with our user base, have gotten distracted or had every intention of recording a bill but it just let their mind wander.

So we want to use the notification system to remind people weekly that they should be capturing their bills for the week or reviewing their bills for the week if they've recorded everything so far.


People with ADHD are forgetting to come into The Alchemist on a regular occurrence to update their weekly bills. After speaking with Users, while they have every intention to capture their bills - but they forget due to a sea of other apps and other digital distractions. We need a way to remind the Users to complete their bills each week.


Remind Users that they need to do their weekly bills check-in to ensure they've captured all the bills due that week.

User Needs:
Users just need to notify weekly for now with more frequent notifications to come later. The User will be able to set the times and the frequency of the notification. We'll need an API to keep track of the how many notifications have been opened and how many bills have been captured. This will eventually allow us to build in introducing challenges, so this is laying the foundation for that.

We want the notifications to open up the app and go straight to the bills flow, so that users don't have any friction in terms of how much navigation they need to do to get to recording their bills. Notifications will need to be dynamic as well, so that we can do more with notifications later.

It's also important to focus on making sure everything is API-first where possible. With the growth of AI and the seismic shift anticipated in the product world - it's important to be prepared and ensure the product can scale to new mediums that might not be popular or released yet.

What to focus for this release:

  • Weekly notification for tracking bills
  • An article explaining the purpose of the notifications and what to expect prior to letting Users set it up. It should flow similarly to how the onboarding functionality is set up.
  • Needs to be setup early by the User as bill tracking is an early piece of functionality introduced to the User.

Why do we need this feature?

In early testing, we've noticed that users have struggled to return and capture bills beyond the initial setup and first day or two. So we need something to bring users back in and keep them engaged on a more frequent basis.

Key Metrics

  • Number of people who opened the notifications.
  • Number of bills captured each week.
  • Weekly retention rate
  • The dismissal rate, which is how many people ignore the notification entirely.
  • The number of bills that are started to be captured but don't get finished
  • The number of people who have turned notifications on
  • Task completion time.

Eventual Metrics (Depending on other features)

  • Average increase in people's financial score, which is a proprietary score we're working on for users.
  • Net Promoter Score
  • Emotional Sentiment of the User

Expected Outcomes

  • Users agree to turn on the notification system.
  • Users enter the app weekly to record their bills for that week.
  • We see an increase in weekly retention.
  • Users are able to add bills quickly.
  • User's Financial Scores increase (long-term outcome - dependent on scoring functionality)
  • Clear API framework that allows for custom notifications unique to the User.
  • User Sentiment improves over time (dependent on emotional tracking functionality)